Wednesday, May 28, 2008

African leaders criticise donor nations on trade

African leaders on Wednesday lashed out at rich nations for erecting trade barriers that prevent the continent's economic development even as they make lofty pledges to boost aid.

The leaders, in Japan for a major development conference, urged industrialised nations to make it easier for them to export food, coffee and other products at fair prices.

"Pursuit of unfair trade practices by the big powers as well as difficult access for African products to markets of developed countries continue to penalise our states and significantly destroy their performance in the creation of riches," said Burkina Faso President Blaise Compaore.

Forty heads of states from Africa are participating in the three-day conference to discuss economic growth, stability and climate change.

Japan pledged on Wednesday to double aid to Africa by 2012 and to help the continent boost rice production two-fold to ease food shortages.

But some African leaders said their countries were more concerned about unfair trade deals than a lack of things to eat.

"There is a big problem of food in the world now and a problem of energy. In Uganda, there is a problem of a different kind. We have too much food and no market to export it to," said Ugandan President Yoweri Musaveni.

"Why? Because of bad policies in Europe, America and even in Japan," he added.

He said his country was facing "a real struggle" to get a fair deal for its natural resources, including agricultural and mineral products.

For example, a kilo of unprocessed Ugandan coffee would be sold for one dollar at home but for 14 dollars in Britain after it has been refined, he said.

"I see some people here who are called donors," Museveni told the conference audience.

"Now, I really have a problem with that definition. Because I don't know who's helping who," he added.

Gabon's President Omar Bongo Ondimba urged Japan to boost direct investment in Africa and open up Japanese markets to African products.

"Japan can weave with Africa a strategic partnership which is mutually beneficial," he said.

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