Saturday, June 14, 2008

India govt looking to import cement from Pakistan

Commonwealth Games 2010 to be held in Indian capital could have a Pakistani connection as Delhi government is looking to import cheap cement from neighbouring country.

"We have written to the Centre to permit us to import cement from Pakistan to complete construction of projects associated with games.

Prices of material available here have risen," Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit said. She said her government is waiting for approval.

Pakistani cement is of similar quality as being presently used in projects here.

Due to rising inflation, prices of building materials including cement and steel increased, resulting in cost escalation of various infrastructural projects, including those related to games.

The government feels it will not be able to complete projects within the target period unless alternate arrangements are made.

Delhi government is facing flak over delay in completion of games projects from the centre, which at a recent meeting, asked authorities to expedite work.

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